The Fangirl Zone

Review of the Boys episode three

The Boys on Amazon Prime

Review by Sarah Michelle

We’re totally picking up speed, we have back history on a couple of the characters, already some deaths, some proven fraud, some amazing acting and leads, and the list just keeps coming, and we aren’t even half way yet!

Last episode was a bit of a cliffhanger, Starlight has a bounce back, with of course some more stats listed for the money it can bring in. It even shows how people take one thing and transform it into something …completely different. Both physical and mental. She says all the right things, stands up for all the right areas, but is told no, not unless she follows those rules. So what would you do if your dream job wanted you to do a certain thing that you feel is degrading? Would you suck it up for the career, or leave?

Poor Hughie, there is something about him that reminds me of Bill Hader, in the best way. The looks are similar but also the action of emotions being built up to a snapping point.

We meet a bunch of gentlemen in prison, and I say gentlemen with all seriousness, because they are getting taught a better way to handle things by what appears to be an actual legit superhero (maybe not with powers), known as Mother’s Milk (lovingly played by Laz Onslo), is this a reference to the milk being produced by Styllwell, or just a joke? Weirdest nickname ever.

Either way, he’s teaching these young men some amazing things, and I wish this was a more common sight and possibility. Just because you’re in jail and messed up everything, doesn’t mean you can’t change. Yes, it’ll be harder when you come out because you are automatically judged, but there will be a chance. 

Apparently he’s one of the original Boys, which is starting to make sense, Billy Butcher, Mother’s Milk, Frenchie and… Who knows. Billy mentions that when they had the team together, it was meant to do the right thing. Apparently they all have bad blood with Homelander, which maybe explains Homelander’s own look of disgust when he looks at his own face. But there has been loss on Billy’s end, a name is mentioned, a loss on Mother’s Milk end, named Mallory, and unnamed loss on Frenchie’s end.


We find out there is a head honcho at the Vought, a hidden man. Mr Edgar, who even Homelander is afraid of and is Styllwell’s boss. I LOVE A GOOD KINGPIN BOSS MAN. Come on, give me a Lex Luthor, a man who overestimates his brilliance in every statement, so cliche and so addicting.

We have followed up on a lead from Translucent (yeah, I’m giving you most of the details but not all of them, sorry), and luckily boring dull Hughie is an actual installation tech from an electronic store, so he has finally shown his place in the group more than once. Basically inserts them into a place that would’ve been unable without him. I love when a little nerdy person shows their worth when everyone assumes they’re just a tiny bitty thing.


We finally see some of Queen Maeve (Dominique McElligott) in both reality and sparring action. Out of everyone so far, she has seemed the most realistic, the most up front. She gave short, harsh but true advice to Starlight, called out Translucent on his bullshit and perverted habits. She is also the only person who gets away with being up front and honest with Homelander, and apparently, not surprisingly his past relationship.

Honestly, right now, she’s my favorite, she knows the game, the fraudulence and is just realistic about it, and is slowly getting sick of it.


That lead from Translucent has been followed through, they have found someone actually carrying Compound V, and guess what…it ties together with Hughie and why his lady love has died.

What’s funny about it though, is that once again, when they follow up on it, it quotes Marvel this time. Hughie says “The last thing I ever said to Robin was, don’t you ever besmirch Billy Joel. That was the last thing she heard before she burst into pieces, and I gotta live with that shit the rest of my life. The price, whatever it is, I’ll pay it.”

Now, let’s put in a little screenshot of Captain America this time, just so you can get an idea of some crossover.


Now we have a juiced up Supe (A-Train) about to race on the same stuff that caused him to kill someone, with Frenchie, as the adorable chemist he is, wanting to get his hands on the substance. He has not been able to find it, and A-Train has a family member is part of his team, that doesn’t bode well. Billy Butcher sees Homelander, and he looks at him in return….oooh the tension. Who doesn’t love a good stare off, in the middle of a crowd, wondering what they’re thinking.


But it’s not just Homelander who is there, the whole team is there, other than the (unknowingly yet) dead one, being dead can cause that. The whole team is there, signing autographs, waving and smiling to fans while saying awful, honest things under their breath that only each other can hear. 

Once again Hughie saves the day, by distracting Starlight from seeing Frenchie looking for the V, and she even admits what she is feeling fraudulence. And Hughie actually protects her a bit from the Boys, by hiding some of the conversation.


But A-train broke his promise to a source, the person who helped him over the line, the girl who he promised to bring their relationship to the public (and of course was lied to) ends up bring the rejection and being used to another level.

And I love Billy’s phrasing of “The one weakness they all got, their reputation”, which is so true for everyone in power, lots of money gets passed around that way.


And I won’t give away how, but the Boys have shown they are declaring war on the supes, gloves are off.

If you’re not watching the show by this point, and are a comics and Game of Thrones fan, then you’re a tad dumb, cause at least so far, it’s adding up both together.


You can follow Sarah on Twitter @definiteawkward and in Instagram at Ickabicka


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